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Learning card

Transmedia exchanges


The students communicate with another group of students from a distant community through a combination of messages ranging from text to audiovisual, thus creating a transmedia narrative about themselves, their community and their school.

  • Design
  • Media
  • Social Media
  • Video
  • Web


  • Create and modify written productions
  • Create and modify audiovisual productions
  • Create and modify drawings and designs


  • Search, select and download
  • Manage content archives
  • Manage content dissemination and sharing
Learning areas
  • Language
  • Religion and Ethics
  • Sciences
Card language
  • Spanish
  • English


Number of participants
  • 10-13
  • 14-16
  • 17-18
  • Computers
  • Internet connection
  • Mobile phones
  • Tablets


Key questions
  • What do I want to express and communicate to others about myself, my school and my community?
  • What can others learn from my culture and habits?
  • What can I learn from interacting with someone from a distant community?
  • What significance can learning about our differences have?
  • How can I use technology to help me transmit what I want to communicate?
  • What means (text, image, video, audio) are most appropriate for the different aspects I would like to share with others?

NOTE: Two teachers from two distant communities must be in contact with one another to plan and carry out this activity.

The teacher asks the students to share what they know about the town, district or region in which the other school is located. If the other school has a Facebook page or an official website, it is advisable to visit them to gather information.

Collectively they create a word cloud or mindmap with their ideas. They can also include things they would like to learn. (10´-15´).

The two teachers set up a group video conference. This will be the first time the two groups meet and will break the ice and allow the students to see each other for the first time.

During the video conference the two groups may also decide on the best way to keep in touch in the future (for instance, through a group in a social network, a shared platform or by a combination of different means).

NOTE: If the groups are too numerous, the students may only get a chance to introduce each other and ask and answer very general questions. The point will be to set things up for an ongoing exchange. (15´-20´).

Based on what was discussed in the video conference the students think of what they would like to share and communicate with the other children about themselves, their school and their community.

The teacher asks the students to think of content that can be shared by means of text, pictures, video or audio. And to decide what they would like to send first (it can also be a combination of more than one media).

NOTE: Depending on the tools or platforms the two groups are using to hold their exchange, two areas could be opened: one for group messages and another for personal profiles. As well as material about the school, the region and the group, students can be asked to share some material about themselves and, for instance, their personal likes and dislikes. (5´).

Students prepare material and share it. They also respond to what the other group of students sends them. (15´. This stage can be repeated as many times as needed).

The teachers can decide to have another group video conference, or even a series of video conferences among subgroups of students who share similar interests. The exchange can go on for as long as the two teachers and groups consider appropriate. A final video conference at the end of the process is also recommended. this could be when the whole activity is assessed. (Duration: Variable).

The teacher asks the students to go back to the original mind map or wordcloud and assess whether their perception and knowledge of the other town or community has changed after they grew closer to a group of adolescents from that region.

Students are also asked to reflect on how the different media used in the exchange helped them to transmit what they wanted to share and understand different aspects of what the other group of students were communicating and showing. (10´).


The teacher asks the students to produce a digital picture, in groups, which represents the main features learned in this activity. They are asked to include information they learned and also social processes/impressions they had during the activity.

Once the picture is created, they should present it to the rest of the group explaining each element that appears in it.

It would be ideal either to record this instance and exchange the videos with the other community or to set up a video conference and do the assessment online.

References for professors

Gabriela Rodríguez Bissio. Plan Ceibal (Uruguay),

Cecilia Fernández. Colegio de Secundaria Elbio (Uruguay),

  • Design
  • Media
  • Social Media
  • Video
  • Web