Search results
"Is this art?": Appreciation of contemporary art
Bringing leisure time and media practices into the classroom
Critical analysis of online reviews
Analyse, click and think on media
Before ‘Once upon a time’ and after 'happily ever after'
Being well-informed: tricks and tips about media
Persuade me (Elevator Pitch)
Making a genre mashup/parody
Social networks Defenders
Developing critical awareness of media content
Elementary, my Dear Watson
Enjoy the beauty. Analysing the image world
Escenificación de temas de Ciencias Sociales
Being safe with social media
Getting to know a computer
Hunting for media stereotypes
Instastory… imagine the history
Life Publishing in the Internet
Looking for the hidden character
Memes and gifs as commentary
Memetorics (Rhetoric of memes)
Fictional Worlds and Transfictional Identity
Narrating gameplay (Let’s Play)
News Stories in Social Media
Making a video review of a book (with spoilers)
Making a video review of a book (without spoilers)
Live streaming a video game
Reviewing videogames online
Romance, Horror… or Creepy pasta? Understanding literary genres through Wattpad
Start ups! Creating our own restaurant project
Tell it! Creating a documentary
The experience of a decade
The Trans-Thermopylae Battle
Transmedia generation... transmedia narratives...
Transmedia narratives in everyday lives
Tumblenglish (Social Media)
Playful Tutorial in Snapchat
Tell it! Between Fiction and Reality
Tell It! And that is interactive ...
‘Twitterizing’ Literature and History
“The brick is on the table”: learning foreign languages through Minecraft
“I love Plato": fans of the classics
“Play” a book and “read” a movie
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Before their publication, learning cards have been supervised by the Transmedia Literacy teachers' team.