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Exploiting transmedia skills in the classroom

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"Is this art?": Appreciation of contemporary art
en | es | it
en | es
Bringing leisure time and media practices into the classroom
en | es
Disadapted adaptations
en | es
Critical analysis of online reviews
en | es
Analyse, click and think on media
en | es | it | pt
Before ‘Once upon a time’ and after 'happily ever after'
en | es
Argue and Debate
en | es
Augmented Climatology
en | es | it
Being well-informed: tricks and tips about media
en | es | it | pt
Telling History
en | es
Persuade me (Elevator Pitch)
en | es
Making a genre mashup/parody
en | es
Questioning art
en | es
Social networks Defenders
en | es
Report the troll
en | es
Developing critical awareness of media content
en | es
Elementary, my Dear Watson
en | es | it
Enjoy the beauty. Analysing the image world
en | es | it
Salad of stories
en | es
Escenificación de temas de Ciencias Sociales
Being safe with social media
en | es
Fan sub_school
en | es | it
Getting to know a computer
en | es | it
Today I’m the advertiser
en | es
Hunting for media stereotypes
en | es | it
Instastory… imagine the history
en | es | it
Transmedia exchanges
en | es
The magic shoe
en | es
Latest News!
en | es | it
Life Publishing in the Internet
en | es | fi | it
League of mutants
en | es
Looking for the hidden character
en | es | it
“The WhatsApp patchwork”
en | es
Memes and gifs as commentary
en | es | fi | it
Memetorics (Rhetoric of memes)
en | es
Fictional Worlds and Transfictional Identity
en | es
Narrating gameplay (Let’s Play)
en | es | fi | it
News Stories in Social Media
en | es | fi | it
Media are us
en | es
Our Game of Thrones
en | es
Quis hic habitat?
en | es
Making a video review of a book (with spoilers)
en | es
Making a video review of a book (without spoilers)
en | es
Live streaming a video game
en | es
Reviewing videogames online
en | es | fi | it
en | es | it
Romance, Horror… or Creepy pasta? Understanding literary genres through Wattpad
en | es | it
Digital Seminar
en | es
Start ups! Creating our own restaurant project
en | es | it
en | es | it
I’ll explain it better
en | es
Teaching with YouTube
en | es | it
Tell it! Creating a documentary
en | es | it
The Art of Expressing
en | es | it
The experience of a decade
en | es | it
The game of history
en | es | it
The social media manager
en | es | it
The Trans-Thermopylae Battle
en | es | it
Tip the Scales
en | es | it
Transmedia generation... transmedia narratives...
en | es | it
Transmedia narratives in everyday lives
en | es | it | pt
Historic tweets
en | es
Tumblenglish (Social Media)
en | es | it
Short movie, long story
en | es
Playful Tutorial in Snapchat
en | es
Transmedia Universes
en | es
Youtuber for one day
en | es
Tell it! Between Fiction and Reality
en | es
Tell It! And that is interactive ...
en | es
Do you speak “Youtuber”?
en | es
‘Twitterizing’ Literature and History
en | es
“The brick is on the table”: learning foreign languages through Minecraft
en | es
“I love Plato": fans of the classics
en | es
“Play” a book and “read” a movie
en | es | it | pt

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Before their publication, learning cards have been supervised by the Transmedia Literacy teachers' team.